CITYLINE® Cityline Venice

Hydrangea - Bigleaf

Hydrangea macrophylla

'Venice Raven'


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Cityline Venice hydrangea blooming with pink mophead flowers next to a granite bench Cityline Venice hydrangea covered with blue mophead flowers in a landscape The abundant blue flowers of Cityline Venice hydrangea Closeup of the pink color variant of Cityline Venice hydrangea YouTube video describing the plant shown on this page
  • Compact habit
  • Disease resistant
  • Colorful

Tired of floppy, weak stemmed hydrangeas? So were we - that's why we introduced the Cityline® series. Developed in Germany where growth regulators are prohibited, this series of strong, compact hydrangeas also boast pure, rich colors. Cityline® Venice hydrangea combines high quality, disease resistant foliage with very deep pink blooms that age to an attractive green.

5 - 9 (-20°F/-28.9°C)
Full sun, Part sun
1 - 3'
1 - 3'
Finish Time
.5 season
Bloom Time
Flower Color
Blue, Pink
Foliage Color
Liner Sizes
4", Quick Turn, Pre-Budded


Moist but well drained soils are best. Bigleaf hydrangeas may wilt in dry soils but also cannot take soggy conditions for any period of time. Tolerant of a range of soil pH levels, however, soil pH will influence flower color.


Avoid pruning bigleaf hydrangeas, except to remove any dead wood. These hydrangeas cannot be cut back or trimmed at any time of the year without impacting the bloom for either the current season or the next.


Bigleaf hydrangeas are classic choices for flower gardens, cottage gardens, and seaside plantings. They also make a showy addition to foundation plantings and can be used for low hedges or edging.

Growing Tips

Bigleaf hydrangeas benefit from a good layer of shredded bark mulch and afternoon shade, particularly in hotter climates. Apply a granular fertilizer formulated for flowering shrubs (like a rose fertilizer) if leaves start to yellow.