Preview of Plant of the Week June 9, 2022 Double Play Blue Kazoo spirea PDF

Resource: Plant of the Week June 9, 2022 Double Play Blue Kazoo spirea

Date Added August 09, 2022

Type Plant of the Week

Related Plant Varieties DOUBLE PLAY® BLUE KAZOO®


So cool!

If your image of Spiraea is a little muffin of a plant with bright flowers and sometimes brighter foliage, think again. While other varieties sometimes seem to be trying too hard, Double Play® Blue Kazoo® is effortlessly cool.

Sure, it's a tidy, mounded plant, but the branching is graceful and relaxed. The foliage of this Spiraea media is a little bigger than that of S. japonica, and what delightful foliage it is! Cool blue-green leaves are tinged with red in the new growth and then turn red in the fall.

Add some crisp white flowers in the summer and you've got a great addition to landscapes in USDA 3-8. This winter I was talking to a landscaper in Montana and this was a favorite of hers. If it's tough enough for Montana, that's saying something!