Preview of Plant of the Week May 19, 2022 PDF

Resource: Plant of the Week May 19, 2022

Date Added September 09, 2022

Type Plant of the Week

Related Plant Varieties WINE & SPIRITSĀ®


Wine & Spirits™ Weigela florida

This is a plant that customers have been asking us to develop for quite a while: a Wine & Roses® but with white flowers instead of pink ones. Here you go!

Wine & Spirits® has dark burgundy-green foliage that isn't quite as dark as that of Wine & Roses® but still quite dramatic, and it sets off the green-white spring flowers beautifully. Those flowers will mature to pure white, and are extremely abundant.

If you were to design a plant for spring impulse sales (we did) it would be this one! We had a specimen in the office last week and it was really, really distracting.