Resource: Plant of the Week November 17, 2022
Date Added November 21, 2022
Type Plant of the Week
Related Plant Varieties PINKY WINKY PRIMEĀ®
DescriptionPrime time!
It's Pinky Winky Prime™ time!
Not really. True prime time for this plant would be mid-summer into fall, and this beauty is done for the season by mid-November. But it's a fabulous plant with a long bloom time. Since it's a Hydrangea paniculata you don't need to worry about cold weather damaging the flowers - it blooms on new wood.
Like the original Pinky Winky®, its flowers open white and then quickly turn pink from the base on up for a distinctive two-toned coloration. Eventually the entire panicle is a rich pink color.
The blooms of Pinky Winky Prime™ are bigger than those of Pinky Winky®, with more fully packed panicles and brighter color. Like the original, it has very sturdy stems so those fabulous blooms don't droop on the ground.