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photo of Chris Warner

Meet the Breeder

Chris Warner
Shropshire, England

RINGO® Double Pink

Landscape Rose

Rosa x


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Close-up of Ringo Double Pink rose's lush two-toned pink flowers with a wine-colored eye. One light pink and one darker pink bloom on Ringo Double Pink rose. Close-up of the center of Ringo Double Pink rose. A single bloom of Ringo Double Pink rose. The blooms of Ringo Double Pink rose against healthy green foliage Several blooms a top a bright green Ringo Double Pink rose plant. The blooms of Ringo Double Pink rose faded to pale pink. Ringo Double Pink rose covered in two-toned pink blooms.
  • Full blooms
  • Two-toned
  • Healthy + vigorous

Ringo Double Pink rose brings a cheerful presence to the garden, with loads of semi-double pink flowers accented with bright yellow stamen surrounded by a distinctive wine-stained eye. More than just a pretty face, it is also very hardy, with glossy foliage that exhibits excellent black spot resistance. Winner of the First Class Certificate at the Hague Rose Trials. Another great rose from master breeder Chris Warner.

First Class Certificate, The Hague Rose Trials
4 - 8 (-30°F/-34.4°C)
Full sun
2 - 3'
2 - 3'
Finish Time
1 season
Bloom Time
Summer rebloomer
Flower Color
Foliage Color
Liner Sizes
2 1/4", 4", Quick Turn


Moist, well drained, slightly acidic soils are best; that said, roses are known to be quite adaptable to soils except for very wet areas.


Prune in spring, cutting back to just above where large, healthy buds are emerging.


Mass plantings; hedges; mixed borders; foundation plantings; cottage gardens.

Growing Tips

Plant in full sun with good air circulation for best performance. Does not require deadheading to bloom continuously.