LO & BEHOLD® ‘Blue Chip’

Butterfly Bush

Buddleia x

'Blue Chip'

PP#19,991; CBR#3602

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Planting of low-growing Lo & Behold Blue Chip Buddleia Mass planting of Lo & Behold Blue Chip Buddleia along walkway Lo & Behold Blue Chip Buddleia in garden Mass planting of Lo & Behold Blue Chip Buddleia in residential area Close up of Lo & Behold Blue Chip Buddleia blooms with two monarch butterflies YouTube video describing the plant shown on this page
  • Dwarf habit
  • Continuous blooming
  • Non-invasive

The plant that started it all! Lo & Behold® 'Blue Chip' butterfly bush set the standard for non-invasive dwarf buddleia. A tidy, mounded habit, fragrant, purple-blue flowers, and continuous bloom without the need to deadhead combine to make this a landscaper favorite. Non-invasive and approved for sale in Oregon.

Best New Plant, Salon due Vegetal; Best New Plant, MidAm '09; 2010 Showstopper Plant, NC Coop Extension Service; Top Buddleia, RHS; Gold Medal, Plantarium '09; Bronze Medal, Green for Life, Poland
5 - 9 (-20°F/-28.9°C)
Full sun
2 - 2.5'
2 - 2.5'
Finish Time
.5 season
Bloom Time
Summer - frost
Flower Color
Foliage Color
Liner Sizes
2 1/4", 4", Quick Turn


Good drainage is essential. The combination of wet soil and cold temperatures is particularly detrimental.


Prune only after new growth emerges in spring. Cut back to just above a set of large, healthy buds.


All buddleia in the Lo & Behold® series are especially suited to groundcover and edging, as well as being incorporated into gardens, borders, and foundation plantings.

Growing Tips

Plant in full sun for best flowering. Deadheading not required for continuous bloom. In clay soils, plant a bit higher than ground level to divert moisture away from the center of the plant.